I have used some conventional and some fairly unique animation techniques. Examples of each techniques are shown in the clips below .
As in any work of art,  the final critical valuation of a film should in a large measure be based on its appeal on a general audience. But this is
manifestly not so for much of modern art where the valuation is based on the ability to convince the critics of the 'creativity' and 'originality'
of the artists - The general public be damned. In the same spirit I invoke the skill and patience that was  required to produce some of these
 films with the minimal means I  used.

Many of my films were made with free standing figures. In  the case of the pipecleaners, for example, they stood freely on a polished
 piano  bench -no  glue or props were involved in producing them.  The drawn animations and the cut outs are conventional. The pistachios and
acorns were largely frestanding but I use a cork board and strings as well as the little jig I have shown elsewhere. I should mention also that
the  films were made with a regular 8mm camera and I had no assistance than that of my wife who did most of the narration. I  have aslo
made some scenarios and  nature films with similar spartan means.

1)Pipe-cleaner people                                          
Giuseppe & Pieta1
Giuseppe & Pieta2
The Musician 1
The Musician 2

2) Cut outs
The Ball 1
The Ball  2

3) Conventional drawings
Amanita & Satanas

4) Acorn & Pistchio  people
Pistachimo in the Circus 
The Melamed
Peachblossom and the Fool

5) Multiple images
The Fair

6) Natural & otherObjects
Bric a Brac
The White Queen